Friday, 15 November 2013

District Eight

Elenore Hodden;
Victor of the Fourth Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 15
Kills: 1
Status: Deceased - Cancer
Arena: Carnival
Successful Mentorships: Lawson Kinch


Lawson Kinch;
Victor of the Eleventh Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 2
Status: Alive
Arena: Construction Site
Successful Mentorships: Woof Tallen, Kennedy Ames

Woof Tallen;
Victor of the Seventeenth Hunger Games.

 Age of Victory: 16
Kills: 2
Status: Alive
Arena: Farmyard
Successful Mentorships: N/A

Kennedy Ames;
Victor of the Thirtieth Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 15
Kills: 2
Status: Alive
Arena: Mental Asylum
Successful Mentorships: Cecelia Moubrey, Rai Erdelen

Cecelia Moubrey;
Victor of the Fifty-Sixth Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 16
Kills: 2
Status: Alive
Arena: Nursery
Successful Mentorships: N/A

Rai Erdelen;
Victor of the Sixty-Fourth Hunger Games. 

Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 5
Status: Alive
Arena: Manor House
Successful Mentorships: N/A

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